
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I’ve played and toyed around with the idea of a self love letter for quite some time now, but being at the point in my life that i’m currently at, I couldn’t imagine a better, self-love-needing time.
Dear Olivia,
We haven’t been together for too long, twenty years exact. We haven’t had the same road as Einstein, and nor have we had the same road as Gloria Steinem or Stephen Hawking. But we also haven’t had the bare, quiet life, sweetened with bloom as a baby may have.
I’ve learned a lot from you so far, and as much as I often want to run and hide from you, I truly love you.
I love you whether you are feeling liberated, and free-spirited while running through a new city, or old, with friends talking about life, gossiping about boys, and getting excited about what, who and where the future holds. Yet, I still love you while you are feeling confused and befuddled at life (usually at night like now), and wondering what is right, and what is wrong. Even though, you will learn after every experience whether it be an up or down in your life, that, it is all, always right.
I forgive you for making mistakes. Together, we have learned that these have only lead us closer to each other and towards a place that we become more well versed, happy, honestly and truly content with each other.
Although, they might not always have an easy path, I love you for your wild, spontaneous ideas that excite you and make you feel alive and eager.
You may always want to rush, ( I know you better than you know yourself.) But it’s okay to slow down. When you slow down, you hear me better, and with deeper clarity that will always guide you in the right direction. I promise, that I will never let you down.
Above all, I love you. Every single aspect of you. Your mind, because it shows you what is right, and what isn’t in the direction of yours and mankind’s greatness, your body, because it is the figure that leads you through life, to and through the most dazzling adventures, and even the missteps you take , and most importantly your soul. Your soul, because it is you. It is me.
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow.

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