
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Beauty of the Pause

Aren't all of our lives in their beta phase? We're all growing and expanding everyday for different reasons, different depths, and in different places.
Although my life is not in regular routine, i'm happy.

Being a gypsy soul in my own heart, a self professed nomad in my own body, i'm continuously coming and going. My life is a transition. It would be a lie to you, and to myself, if I said that I always enjoyed it. It's become a process of continuous hellos and goodbyes. Some more difficult than others, some even heartbreaking. But i'm learning to accept it and enjoy the pause.

"We are always getting ready to live, but never living." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

(Photo, Phoebe Dill)

Without the pause, we almost go on auto pilot with our lives. Thinking for the next thing, the next step, the next place. But how can we truly know what the next step and the next place is if we are always speeding up and not enjoying where we are, and truly appreciating where we are and how we got there. As our lives and our souls are all that we've experienced, those that we've met, and the places we've been. Without pausing and feasting one's eyes on your success, internally, the view only becomes less clear.

You are your journey.

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